St. Animal Pet Adoptions
Saving Lives 4 Paws at a Time

Amazon Wishlist
Tributes and Memorials
Donate in honor or in memory of a special person or pet.
Planned Giving
Remember St. Animal Pet Adoptions in your estate plans Establish a Charitable Gift Annuity
Volunteer at Shelter
Over 18: Please fill out our volunteer application.
If you are under 18, please note a parent or guardian must be your witness.
Chewy Wishlist
Volunteering is the best medicine! Not just for you but for the animals as well!
Please consider making a donation
VENMO: @StAnimalPetAdoptions
PayPal Donate
CASHAPP: $StAnimalPetAdoptions
Ways to Help
There are a multitude of ways to help SAPA carry out it’s charitable mission to save and find forever homes for cats and dogs. Many of these include;
Volunteering - There are many volunteering opportunities such as taking care of dogs at the shelter, the cats at The SAPA Store, animal enrichment, training, vet runs, helping at off-site adoption and special events. You can also join our marketing and fundraising committees.
Donating - Cash donations are ALWAYS welcome! You can do that right here on our website or donate money to Rock Road Animal Hospital (tell them it’s for SAPA). There is a Wish List that shows many of the non-cash items you can donate that help us in our charitable mission. INDIRECT DONATIONS don’t cost you any money at all, yet they provide funds to us.
Sharing - This is important because it gives visibility to SAPA and our animals. Some of our animals are in the shelter or at the SAPA store, but some of them are in foster. We need to use the Internet to attract a potential adopter’s eye. Sharing is relatively easy and can be done at any time of day. For example, you can ‘Like’ us on FB or ‘Follow’ us on Instagram. Then share our adoptable animals as well as our adoption events or fundraisers on them.
Wish List
Our wish list consists of items that we will put to good use to increase the comfort level of pets in the shelter as well as pets that are being fostered.
Community supplies - Various size doghouses and straw, Frontline / Capstar medicine (for dogs and cats, any size), leashes / collars / harnesses / training equipment, Dog or cat carriers / crates, any size, small/medium pet taxis, gift certificates for office supplies.
Kennel supplies - Bleach, paper towels, cloth towels, wash cloths, Dish and hand soap; sanitizer, laundry detergent and dryer sheets, OdoBan, Lysol, etc., surgical gloves, Lg plastic containers with locking lids, stainless steel bowls (any size), Gift certificates / gift cards and items from office supplies (envelopes, pens, etc.)
Shelter Enrichment - Softies" (bathmat, floor mat, baby bedding), pet beds (any size), bandannas, pet clothes (any size), leashes / collars / harnesses (any size, any style), "Busy Treats" (ex. Rawhides, bones, Greenies), dog toys" (ex. Kong, ropes, puzzle balls, etc.), "Cat toys" (ex. cardboard scratching posts, kitty grass, catnip), kuranda beds.